
Is it possible to snap a vertex of a shape to a specific point of a nurb curve?

Is it possible to snap a vertex of a shape to a specific point of a nurb curve?
  1. How do you snap vertices in Maya?
  2. How do you change the points on a curve in Maya?

How do you snap vertices in Maya?

Snap to Vertex

  1. Right middle mouse button on your geometry > then select vertices option.
  2. Select a vertex you want to move.
  3. HOLD the “V” key then middle mouse button click on any other vertex. This vertex you are snapping to can be on the same geometry or a completely different object.

How do you change the points on a curve in Maya?

  1. Select Curves > Edit Curve Tool.
  2. Click the curve.
  3. Do any of the following: Drag the parameter position handle to move the manipulator along the curve. Drag the point position handle to move this point. The curve will reshape so the curve passes through the point as you move it.

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